Location of Royal Army Medical College (former)
Other links to Royal Army Medical College (former)
Museums/Galleries in the area
Tate Briton (distance = 101 m bearing 34°)
Nearby sights
Albert Embankment (distance = 381 m bearing 140°)
, Millbank Tower (distance = 272 m bearing 40°)
, Peninsular Heights (distance = 453 m bearing 57°)
, Thames House Millbank (distance = 447 m bearing 34°)
, Thames House Vauxhall Cross (distance = 431 m bearing 131°)
, Page Street (distance = 392 m bearing 31°)
, Pons Place (distance = 113 m bearing 211°)
, St John's Gardens (distance = 463 m bearing 301°)
, Thorney Street (distance = 343 m bearing 35°)
, Millbank Peir (distance = 302 m bearing 46°)
, Vauxhall Bridge (distance = 330 m bearing 123°)
Nearby Neighbours (Plaques)
MILLBANK PRISON. (distance = 183 m bearing 216°)
, Vauxhall Bridge (distance = 208 m bearing 213°)
Notorious sights in the area
Prison - Millbank (distance = 111 m bearing 32°)
General Links Local Map
Map of what is in the area - using Google map